Thursday, May 29, 2008

New Technologies - New Ways of Learning?

As a consultant, and Principal of Knowledge Advantage, a company that creates learning solutions - often elearning - I'm always trying to determine what my clients and prospective clients need (in terms of learning and development) and how I can provide them with it. In short, how can I be more valuable to you? The answer, comes full circle to what I do, and believe in - be knowledgeable about changes and advances in the industry, and continue to learn new techniques, methods, and deliveries for learning.

I am being swept up in the wave of Web 2.0, that includes at a minimum, user generated content, Blogs, Wikis, Ajax, RSS feeds -- and I'm trying to understand and determine what impact it has on how we do business, and how we learn. What is evident, is learning and learning deliveries are in flux, and changing technology and our changing demographics play an important role in the future of these new technologies and tools.

Are you drawn to the Web 2.0 bandwagon? Do you find Gen Y staffers attached to these new mediums? How much and how soon will Web 2.0 influence or impact your learning and development vision and goals?

Please jump into this conversation, so I can learn from you as to where you are on this new spectrum and what kind of support and help you may need in the future.



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